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Certified Lactation Counseling

(Paired with Occupational Therapy)

Our OT is also a Certified Lactation Counselor, who specializes in infant feeding difficulties and therapeutic infant massage (for digestive health and sensory processing).  By combining Occupational Therapy and Certified Lactation Counseling, we are able to provide breastfeeding assistance much longer than just your stay in the hospital.  We can also provide ongoing supportive services that grow with you and your baby. 


Here at Therapy In Motion, we encourage breastfeeding whenever possible, and work together with our clients to find feasible solutions to their problems and concerns through counseling, support, and therapeutic interventions. 

Schedule an appointment with our OT/CLC who will provide you with an infant feeding evaluation.  Let us help you identify the steps you need to take to make breastfeeding a reality.



Is nursing painful for you?

Does your baby cry after feeding?

Are your nipples sore, cracked, or bleeding?

Does your baby seem to reject the breast?

Are you worried that your baby isn’t getting enough milk?




The breastfeeding process can be a beautiful and natural bonding experience for mothers and their babies.  However, sometimes this can feel like the farthest from the truth and when we, as mothers, struggle with something that is “supposed to happen so naturally”, it can leave us feeling frustrated, hopeless, and alone. 


we can help turn a negative breastfeeding experience into a positive and successful one!


Our OT is trained to evaluate and address problems with:



Lip Closure

Tongue Function

Oral-Motor Skills

Inadequate Gape

Existence of Tongue Thrust

Exaggerated Bite Reflex

Delayed Swallow Initiation

General Development

Sensory Processing Skills

Milk Production


All of these factors can either contribute to or inhibit

successful breastfeeding as well as the healthy growth

and development of babies and children. 

baby breastfeeding

Conditions that Benefit:

Failure to Thrive


Gastro-Intestinal Issues


Tongue/Lip Tie

Premature Delivery

Complications during Pregnancy/Delivery

Cleft Palate/Lip

At-Risk for Developmental Delay

Cerebral Palsy

Down Syndrome

Motor & Sensory Impairments

Visual, Speech, & Hearing Deficits


Prenatal Drug/Alcohol Exposure

(and many more)


Breastfeeding can be tricky enough when you do not have a child with special needs, but if your new bundle of joy has any type of complication, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming, scary, and might feel like breastfeeding is impossible. 

For many higher-level breastfeeding difficulties, our Occupational Therapist can provide additional support, expertise, and creative solutions that can make nursing successful so that your special baby can still reap the many benefits of your nutritious breast milk.  We can also provide further therapeutic intervention to help your little one grow up to reach their full and wonderful potential. 

baby with Downs Syndrome breastfeeding

© 2024 by Therapy In Motion, Inc.

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